Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Cooler in the Shade

It's Cooler in the Shade  -  pastel, 5x7"
Well, it was at first, but as the day wore on in Channing Philbrick Park (formerly Linear Park) in Penfield, it became unbearably hot and muggy.  The good news it that it made the distant trees appear even blue-er.  I love those distant blues. And I love the dappled light that shone through the trees.  That's what caught my eye in the first place.

This was the first of two paintings done there that day, and honestly, I almost gave up on it half way through.  I felt as though I had gotten lost and had to really stop and reassess what was going on in the painting.  Stuck it out though and was able to pull it together.  Definitely more of a challenge than I expected.

Pastel, 5x7"

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