Walking In July - SOLD |
I am always on the look-out for little out of the way places that pique my interest and which really grab my attention. I found this little spot in a small local park and I really liked the way the path just disappeared into the woods. I didn't even bother grabbing my easel. Just sat on the ground to paint. Walking In July" was done yesterday after I got out of work. That's one of the benefits of working summer school - half days!
"Summer Splendor" was done this morning after I dropped my daughter off at work. I hated to make that trip without making it productive by doing a painting. Now I need a decent map to find out where else I can go that's near her job. I really like this particular location - lots of nice scenery. And everything is so lush from all of the rain we've had. I plan to head back there soon. Both paintings are 6"x 9", unframed.
Summer Splendor - AVAILABLE |
Both paintings were on the same piece of paper. I cut them apart after they were done. |
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