Friday, July 31, 2009

Clouds Clearing Over Braddocks Bay

This was done last summer, but never photo-graphed - probably couldn't find my camera. Anyway, it's a very nice piece. The clouds were just clearing out after another of the many down-pours we had last summer.


Fields of Dandelions

I came upon this great field in the spring when the dandelions were in their full glory. When you see then like this, I have to wonder why we perceive them as weeds. I once heard that weeds are just plants growing in the wrong place. This was definitely the right spot, though.

The Erie Canal from Perinton Park

I had the oppor-tunity to hang a couple of pieces at Riki's Res- taurant in Fairport, but decided they should be something from the area, so I headed to Perinton Town Park and did this from under the Rt. 31F bridge over the canal. Lots of people stopped by to chat while I worked.